Изучать иностранные языки

“If we gather all the people who are now doing their homework in English or Spanish somewhere on the globe, we will get the population of a European country…”

“As many languages you know, as many lives you have”, ancient Greeks said. Learning a foreign language is not only an opportunity to get acquainted with a new culture, customs, traditions, but also to know yourself.

A popular proverb says: “There is a time for everything”. Time to study, create a family, move up the career ladder. But it also happens that one day a person realizes in adulthood that he/she needs to know a foreign language. It’s great. It’s never too late to start learning a foreign language!

Two years ago, I started to learn Spanish and English. At first it was unusual to hear foreign speech. However, if you have systematic trainings, understanding of language grammatical structure, lexical richness and pronunciation beauty gradually comes. Over time you gain confidence in your abilities and can freely orient yourself wherever you go.

I want to give you an example: “Alexey, 33 years old, education manager. He started to learn Spanish and English three years ago. During this time, he was not only grinding away at his studies, but also building his personal life. He had like-minded people with whom he corresponded and improved his vocabulary. Thanks to that he and his wife travelled all over Latin America and visited England. Now he is waiting for promotion at work as an employee who speaks two foreign languages”.

I believe that learning languages is never too late. The main thing is to be patient and not be afraid to put your knowledge into practice.

Knowledge of foreign languages helps people to feel much more confident, wherever they are. It helps to make useful contacts, be a pleasant companion in conversations and feel comfortable in any environment. And for employees of firms and companies this is confidence in climbing the career ladder and success in capturing foreign markets.